I can't believe I'm a mother! Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted a baby. So after a lot of world travel and a few great careers, I'm now on maternity leave for a year fulfilling all my house wife fantasies. What I'd under estimated though was the profound effect it would have on how I look and interact with the world now. My focuses have changed, heart has swelled, fears erupted, muscles ached and inner strength been challenged. This blog is me detailing some of the interesting topics I have encountered or wished I already knew before motherhood while attempting to retain my sanity along the way. If there is something you think I'd be interested in please let me know!

April 11, 2010

Predict your Baby's Future!

While on our honeymoon in the USA we came across these incredibly cute baby T-shirts in Brooklyn, NY. By Wry Baby they 'Predict your Baby's Future'! Purchased in a sewn closed bag you don't know what you're going to get. Above is Scarlett the Flaminco Dancer and Odessa the Dog Show Judge!

1 comment:

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